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Lin, H. L., Huang, M. L., Wang, Y. C., Yu, N. W., Tang, I., Hsu, Y. C., & Huang, Y. S. (accepted). Can Virtual Reality Technology be Used for Empathy Education in Medical Students: A Randomized Case-control Study. BMC Medical Education.

楊于萱、許有真 (2024). 虛擬實境中體驗霸凌受害者經歷對旁觀者在同理心、行為、和態度上的影響,資訊管理學報,第三十一巻,第一期, 頁 123-151。

許齡方,許有真 (2021). 透過普羅透斯效應探討使用者性別與虛擬角色性別對尋路能力之影響,教育傳播與科技研究, 126,57-74。

Sun J. N. & Hsu, Y. C. (2013). Effect of interactivity on learner perceptions in Web-based instruction. Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 171-184. (SCI, SSCI, EI)

Sun J. N. & Hsu, Y. C. (2012). An experimental study of learner perceptions of the interactivity of web-based instruction. Interacting with Computers, 24 (1), p.35-48. (SCI, SSCI, EI)

溫芳瑜,許有真(2010)。電腦為社會行動者-透過巴南效應探討網路使用者與介面視覺元素之互動關係。資訊管理學報,17:2 ,29-56。 (TSSCI)



Hsu Y. C., Boling E. (2007). An approach for designing composite metaphors for user interfaces. Behaviour and Information Technology. 26 (3), p. 209-220.  (SCI, SSCI, EI) (NSC-91-2413-H-007-007-)

Hsu Y. C. (2006). The effects of metaphors on novice and expert learners' performance and mental-model development. Interacting with Computers. 18 (4), p. 770-792.   (SCI, SSCI, EI)    (NSC-94-2520-S-007-002-)


心理科學,29 :2, 398-400。 (CSSCI)

Hsu Y. C. (2005). The long-term effects of single versus multiple metaphors on experts' and novices'  search behaviour. Interacting with Computers. 17 (4), p. 367-394.  (SCI, SSCI, EI)    (NSC-90-2413-H-007-002-)

王肇邦,許有真 (民93)。應用概念圖於網路教學系統之學習成效診斷。

教學科技與媒體, 69,4-19 。

Hsu Y. C., Schwen, T. (2003). The Effects of Structural Cues form Multiple Metaphors on Computer Users' Information Search Performance. International Journal of Human Computer Studies.58 (1)¸ p.39-55.    (SCI, SSCI, EI)

許有真 (民90) 人機介面隱喻之探討,教學科技與媒體,58,26-33。

Boling E., Kira K., Avers D., Hsu Y. C., Lee J., & Frick T. (1996). Navigating backward: Concrete vs. abstract representation in hypertext buttons.  Canadian Journal of Educational Communication,25 (2), 161-176.


The effects of varying levels of interface cues derived from metaphors on computer users, information search performance, Doctoral dissertation, Indiana University, USA


Chou, K. Y., & Hsu, Y. C. (2023, Aug). Confrontation in a Virtual World: Reactions in Virtual and Face-to-Face Interactions. TAICHI 2023, Taipei, Taiwan.

陳鵬遠,許有真(2023年08月)。群際接觸於虛擬實境降低物種主義與肉食意願。TAICHI 2023,Taipei,Taiwan。

卓訢妤,莊珈毓,葉聿昕,何芳語,許有真(2023年08月)。提升惜食意識,改善剩食行為:手機應用程式結合智慧冰箱之互動設計 [海報發表]。TAICHI 2023,Taipei,Taiwan。

王綉孋,楊詠淇,邱郁棻,王瑋,許有真(2023年08月)。運用行動裝置結合擴增實境創建校浪虛實互動訓練系統 [海報發表]。TAICHI 2023,Taipei,Taiwan。

邱湘芝,馬維昭,王淑慧,劉翰允,馬維彥,許有真(2022年10月)。改變大學生衝動消費行為:結合實體錢包及手機應用程式之互動設計 [海報發表]。TAICHI 2022,Hsinchu,Taiwan。海報發表。

許任筑,邱孟淯,蔡幸潔,董欣蓉,許有真(2022年10月)。以虛擬實境技術用於輔助大學生對職業探索之研究初探 [海報發表]。TAICHI 2022,Hsinchu,Taiwan。海報發表。

Y. C. Hsu, M. L. Huang, & W. H. Yuan (2022) Using virtual role-play to facilitate students' career developmen [Poster presentation]. HCI International. Virtual conference.

Hsu. Y. C., Huang, S. W., & Huang, H. D. (2021). The Effects of Social Proneness and Avatar Primes on Prosocial Behavior in Virtual and Real Worlds [Poster presentation]. HCI International 2021, Virtual conference. 

袁偉軒,許有真 (2020年10月). 以虛擬實境為媒介比較不同框架效應下增加環保行為的差異因素 [海報發表]。TAICHI 2020,Taipei,Taiwan。

Huang, D. D., & Hsu. Y. C. (2019, Jun). A Preliminary Study on Feasibility of Improving Visual Health Awareness and Behavior Using Visual Impairment Simulation. Computer Graphics Workshop 2019, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Yang, Y. H, & Hsu. Y. C. (2018, Sep). Effects of VR Role-play on Bystander Empathy, Behavior, and Attitude in Bullying Situations. International Symposium on Education, Psychology and Social Sciences.

Hsu. Y. C., Huang, S. W., Chang, L. L., Yang, Y. H. (2018, Jun). The Effects of Fantasy Elements and Fantasy-Prone Personality on Playerʼs Perception in the Virtual World. In EdMedia+ Innovate Learning. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

林暐辰,許有真(2016年09月)。即時通訊貼圖對於傳訊接收方感知傳訊方性格及傳播過程之影響。TAICHI 2016,Taipei,Taiwan。

Huang, S. W., & Hsu, Y. C. (2016, Aug). The Creativity in a Virtual World: A Pilot Study.. In Advances in Human Factors, Business Management, Training and Education. Springer International Publishing.

Lin, W. C., & Hsu, Y. C. (2016, Aug). The Preference of Using Social Media by Different Attachment Styles for Managing Romantic Relation. . In Advances in Cross-Cultural Decision Making. Springer International Publishing.

Hsu. Y. C., Huang, S. W., Hsu, L. F., Chiang, M. C. & Liang, T. Y (2016, Jul). The effects of fantasy on virtual world players' perception and behaviors . Human-Computer Interaction International Conference 2016.

Hsu, Y. C., Huang, S. W., Lin, W. C., and W. C. (2015, Jul). The emotional issues in virtual worlds – how players perceive and behave emotionally. The 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2015 and the Affiliated Conferences, Las Vegas, USA.

Hsu. Y. C. (2014, Jun). The effects of idealized or non-idealized avatars on players’ behaviors.. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications

Hsu. Y. C. (2012). The effects of similarity between players and avatars on avatars' behaviors. Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, San Francisco, USA, 2012.

Hsu. Y. C. (2011). The effect of agents' appearance attractiveness on users' perceived personality. HCI International, Orlando,  USA 2011.

Wu, Y. S. & Hsu, Y. C. (2011)。Exploring Usability and User Experience on eReader for University Students.

2nd East Asian Ergonomics Federation Symposium. Hsinchu, Taiwan, Oct. 5-8, 2011.

Chang, Y. W. & Hsu,Y.C. (2011). "User Research for E-reader Design in Higher Education", the 2nd East Asian Ergonomics Federation Symposium.

Hsu, Y. C. (2011). The effect of agents’ appearance attractiveness on users’ perceived personality. HCI International, Orlando, USA , 2011.

Hsu, Y. C.(2010).The effect of interface agents’ appearance attractiveness and gender on computerusers’ perceptions. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2010 (pp. 889-894).

Chang, Y. W. & Hsu,Y. C. (2010). "A Preliminary Exploration of Requirement and Interactive Analysis of E-book Readers", the 9th Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics.

Wu, Y. S. & Hsu, Y. C. (2010)。The Effect of Different Empathetic Virtual Characters on the Perceptions of Learner, the 9th Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics.

劉佳穎、許有真(2010)。電腦代理人非語言行為對任務導向互動系統使用者之認知影響 (The Effects of User Cognitive impact from Computer Agents with Non-verbal Behavior in Interactive Task-based System)。Proceedings of The 14th Global Chinese Conference on Computer in Education (GCCCE2010), pp. 193-196, Singapore, June 1-4, 2010。

Hsu, Y. C. (2009). The effects of computer criticism on users' perceptions.

HCI International, San Diego, USA, 19-24, July , 2009.

陳華均、許有真 (2009)。電腦遊戲中對互動方信念與性別對於使用者對持續性惱人行為的反應之影響。第十三屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會,全球華人計算機教育應用學會。

留婉琪、許有真 (2009)。從遊戲式學習系統探討不同擬人化程度的虛擬角色對學習者的影響。第十三屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會,全球華人計算機教育應用學會。

楊啟宏、許有真 (2009)。虛擬學習環境化身選擇偏好與學習風格關係分析-以Sloodle平台為例。第十三屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會,全球華人計算機教育應用學會。

Hsu, Y. C. (2008). Interactivity and Function Design of a Web-Based Instruction System: from the Users’ Viewpoint. 2008 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications.

Chen, H, J., Hsu, Y. C. (2007). A Preliminary Study of Characters’ Gender in Computer Games. HCI International. Beijing, China, 2007

Sun, J. N., Hsu, Y. C. (2007). A Study of Learners' Perceptions of the Interactivity of Web-Based Instruction. HCI International. Beijing, China, 2007.

Fang. Y. A., Hsu, Y. C. (2007). The Effects of Beauty and Personality of Interface Characters on Users’ Perception of Social Presence. HCI International. Beijing, China, 2007.

Ho, C. H., Hsu, Y. C. (2007). The Effects of Embodied Agents’ Displayed Emotions on Users: Emotional Contagion and Gender Differences. HCI International. Beijing, China, 2007.

Hsu, Y. C. (2006). An exploratory study on System Design of Web-Based Instruction and Designers' Viewpoints. 2006 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications.

Fang Y. A. & Hsu, Y. C. (2006). The Effects of Social Presence on Online Game: A Pilot Study. Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, October 11-14, 2006.

Ho C. H. & Hsu, Y. C. (2006). The current development of emotion researches in HCI. Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, October 11-14, 2006.

Hsieh M. H. & Hsu, Y. C. (2006). The Effects of the Auditory Notification of Instant Messaging System on Users’ Performance. Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, October 11-14, 2006.

Hsieh S. C. & Hsu, Y. C. (2006). The Effects of Task Complexity in Notification System on Users’ Performance. Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, October 11-14, 2006.

Sun J. N. & Hsu, Y. C. (2006). A Concept Exploration of Interactivity and Applied In Web-Based Instruction. Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, October 11-14, 2006.   

Hsu, Y.C. (2005). The Effects of Verbal Metaphor on Learners' Development of Mental Models. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Montreal, Canada, 2005.

Tseng, C.M., & Hsu, Y.C. (2005) The Effects of Emotional Factors in Notification Systems. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications,  Montreal, Canada, 2005. 

Wen, F.Y., & Hsu, Y.C. (2005) Interacting with Web Pages Manifesting Personalities by Visual Elements.Proceedings of  World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications,Montreal, Canada, 2005.   

Hsieh, S. C. & Hsu, Y.C. (2005). Application of instant message system in cooperative learning. Proceedings of The 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies,Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2005.   

Sun, J. N, & Hsu, Y. C.(2005). The Effect of Interactivity on Web-based Instruction Learners' Attitude, Satisfaction, and Performance. Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2005.   

曾勤閔、許有真 (2005)。支援合作學習之提示系統介面設計。第九屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會,全球華人計算機教育應用學會。

溫芳瑜、許有真 (2005)。行動科技作為行動學習載具之介面使用性研究。第九屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會,全球華人計算機教育應用學會。

楊叔卿,許有真 (2005). 台灣大一學生的電腦資訊準備度及網路使用調查, 國科會整合型計畫「台灣高等教育資料庫之建置及相關議題之探討」第一階段成果報告研討會 國立清華大學,94年3月26日 。

許有真,楊叔卿 (2005). 台灣大三學生網路使用分析報告, 國科會整合型計畫「台灣高等教育資料庫之建置及相關議題之探討」第一階段成果報告研討會國立清華大學,94年3月26日 。    

Hsu Y. C., Lee J. (2004). The Long-Term Effects of Single versus Multiple Metaphors on Experts and  Novices' Search Behaviors. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia,Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Lugarno, Switzerland. (NSC 91-2413-H-007-007-)

Lee J., Hsu Y. C. (2004). Visual Metaphor Interface and Cognitive Style: A study for On-line Learning. Proceedings of  World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications,Lugarno, Switzerland.

Hsu Y. C., Wang C. P. (2003). Design of User-Interface in Web-Based Instruction. Proceedings of  World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Hawaii, USA

Hsu Y.C., Lee, J. (2002). The effects of metaphor on computer users’ mental models and information search behaviors. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Denver, Colorado.

Lee, J., Hsu Y. C. (2002). Web navigation: The role of metaphor, concept map, and individual differences, Proceedings of  World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Denver, Colorado.

許有真 (民 91) 網路連線遊戲中隱喻與社會瀏覽之探討。網路與社會研討會, 清華大學。

Lee J., Hsu Y. C. (2001). Some Discussions on Interface Metaphors. Proceedings of Global Chinese  Conference on Computers in Education, Taiwan.

Hsu Y. C. (2000). Metaphors in hypermedia system design. Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Singapore.   

Hsu Y. C. (2000). Design of Multiple Metaphors in User-Interface. Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education, Taiwan. (been nominated as outstanding research paper award).

Bichelmeyer, B., Hsu Y. C. (1999) Individually-Guided Education and Problem-Based Learning:A comparison of pedagogical approaches from different epistemological views. Proceedings of Selected  Research and Development Presentations at the 1999 National Convention of the Association for  Educational Communications and Technology (21th, Huston, TX, 1999).

Hsu Y. C. (1999). Evaluation theory in problem-based learning approach. Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Presentations at the 1999 National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (21th, Huston, TX, 1999).

Hsu, Y. C., Lee, J., & Chuang, W. H. (1998). Creating www browser for younger children.Paper presented at the 1998 National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, St. Louis, MO.

Chuang. W.H., Hsu, Y.C., & Lee, J. (1996). Kid’s web browser. Paper presented at Hypermedia 96  Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

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